
Boxer shorts
Boxer shorts

Researchers from that study also found that boxer-wearing dudes had sperm that was more motile, meaning that their sperm was better able to move through the female reproductive system and thus more likely to fertilize an egg.

boxer shorts

Chan School of Public Health and published in the journal Human Reproduction, researchers found that men who wore boxers showed a 25% higher sperm concentration and a 17% higher total sperm count than those who reported wearing briefs.

boxer shorts

According to a 2018 study led by Harvard T.H. Anything to ward off the swampiness that often sets in when you're wearing skintight briefs. But when you're just walking around during the day or hanging out at home, you know what might feel a little better than all those techy performance fabrics? Some honest-to-goodness airflow. But they do breathe! My boxer briefs are made from breathable advanced fibers and poly-blended materials! Moisture-wicking and anti-microbial qualities are good if you're hitting the gym hard, sure. Do you really want to smother your crown jewels? Do they really need to be swaddled like a baby kangaroo in its mother's pouch? Don't they deserve a little extra room to breathe?Īh, you're saying now. That much-lauded extra “support” I referenced earlier? In my opinion, it's nothing more than a marketing ploy used by Big Underwear to trick you into thinking less fabric-and more constriction-is a good thing. Here's the bottom line: boxers are more comfortable. Today, I'm here to not simply correct the record, but to stand up proudly and declare myself a die-hard boxer shorts guy. In 2016, one GQ writer went as far to make an impassioned argument for why boxer shorts were the devil.

boxer shorts

Our Best Underwear list makes a strong case for why: a hybrid of boxer shorts and briefs, they give your boys down under the support they need, fit close to the body to prevent any dreaded bunching, and look pretty darn good in the bedroom. For years, we at GQ have been major proponents of the boxer brief movement.

Boxer shorts